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By-Products of Refining Crude Oil and Its Uses


Crude oil is a vital resource that has been used for many years. It is a critical component of our lives and provides many daily products such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. Many other by-products can be produced from refining crude oil, used in different industries like cement manufacturing or paper mills, and used directly as fuel on-site or in nearby cities where refineries operate.

Here are the essential by-products of refining crude oil for our everyday use:

  • Large amounts of light gases

    Refining crude oil creates large amounts of gases, primarily methane, ethane, propane, and butane. Oil and LPG Butane Gas in Maryland is an excellent option for everyday use, such as cooking and heating homes. It’s clean, odorless, and easy to handle.

  • Petroleum Coke (Petcoke)

    The most important by-product of the refining process is petroleum coke (petcoke). It is a solid that can easily be transported, but it’s also used in many industries. It’s used in aluminum production, cement kilns, and power generation industries.

  • Bitumen

    A chemical created by distilling crude oil. It is frequently used in construction, particularly for roads and highways, and is well known for its waterproofing and adhesive characteristics.

Here at MIR Energy, we aim to be the industry leader in energy trading in Rockville. Our years of experience have amassed a comprehensive knowledge of the oil and gas value chain.

We provide you with the finest natural gas, natural gas liquids, crude oil and refined products. For your energy solutions, we are your partner! For more inquiries, call us today at +1-240-762-6175 / +1-240-870-6382.

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