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Definitions and Types of Natural Gas Liquids


The cleanest-burning hydrocarbon is natural gas. It can work in tandem with renewable energy sources and is abundant and adaptable, helping to fulfill the world’s rising energy demand. We, an oil and petroleum company, convert natural gas to create lower-emission fuels and other products and chill it to liquid for simple shipping to energy-starved regions.

  • Ethane
    Ethane is used in the manufacture of polymers and as a feedstock in petrochemical processes, transforming raw materials into finished goods. Plastics, plastic bags, antifreeze, and detergent are examples of end-use products.
  • Propane
    Propane is used as a fuel for small burners, a heating source for homes and businesses, and as a feedstock for petrochemicals.
  • Butanes
    Butanes can be combined with propane and motor oil. Products like lighter fuel and synthetic rubber for tires are available. Butane can be used as a refrigerant when it is in its purest state. Butane is converted to liquified petroleum gas when combined with propane (LPG).
  • Isobutanes
    Isobutanes can be used as feedstock for petrochemical and refinery processes. Refrigerants 
  • Pentanes
    Pentanes are a blowing agent for polystyrene foam used in natural gasoline.

MIR ENERGY is a leading provider of oil and LPG butane gas in Maryland. Our goal is to continuously develop and innovate energy solutions that are sustainable and reliable. We reimagine the industry through our world-class insight and understanding of the value chain.

Want to know more about natural gas liquids? Feel free to get in touch with us today! Our energy trading in Rockville will help you understand these natural resources better and learn how to invest in them.

We can also help you by providing end-to-end solutions for crude oil and refined products.

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