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Surprising Uses of Petroleum and Fossil Fuels


Petroleum, also known as fossil fuels or crude oil, is used in many day-to-day activities and products. Other than crude oil and refined products, here are some other surprising uses of petroleum you may not have known about:

  • Guitar Strings
    Many acoustic guitars are made out of Nylon, a type of plastic derived from crude oil. Nylon plastic undergoes an extensive chemical process that makes it strong and stretchy.
  • Crayons
    Crayons are created from a combination of paraffin wax and pigment. Parrafin wax is created from refining crude oil or petroleum.
  • Perfume and Colognes
    Have you ever wondered why the scent of perfume and cologne seems to stick to clothes and skin, lasting for hours? Petroleum is an ingredient used in many perfumes and colognes that helps lock the moisture and scent of the products onto the skin.
  • Contact Lenses
    Contact lenses are comfortable because they are soft and malleable. The synthetic polymers that help keep contact lenses soft and malleable are made out of petroleum or crude oils.

Petroleum is used in many products and is essential for modern-day living. For more information about petroleum, you can call MIR ENERGY at +1-240-762-6175. We are an oil and petroleum company providing Oil and LPG Butane Gas in Maryland.

Our Energy Company also offers Oil Trading and Energy Trading in Rockville.

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